Latin Name:Lavandula angustifolia
Part Used:Flower
Extract Method:Grain Alcohol/Water
Detection Mothed:TLC
Specification:5:1 10:1 15:1 20:1
Appearance:Brown fine powder or light purple powder
Lavender are believed to soothe insect bites, burns, and headaches. Bunches of lavender repel insects. In pillows, lavender seeds and flowers aid sleep and relaxation. An infusion of lavender added to a cup of boiling water soothes and relaxes at bedtime. Lavender also treats skin burns and inflammatory conditions.
A recent clinical study investigated anxiolytic effects and influence on sleep quality. Lavender oil with a high percentage of linalool and linalyl acetate, in the form of capsules, was generally well tolerated. Lavender showed meaningful efficacy in alleviating anxiety and related sleep disturbances.